Sunday, November 13, 2005

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Subversivo Relevant

"Significant" means "remarkable, outstanding." not be used in the English sense of "relevant" regards to what "comes to purpose" or is "relevant."
Wrong: "This class is math. Your comments on literature are irrelevant."
Right: "This class is math. Your comments are not relevant literature .

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is an adjective and should not be used like a noun. It is wrong therefore to say that "were arrested three rebels." be said "subversive elements" or "members of a subversive organization."

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Adverb equivalent to recently. used only before a passive participle, as in newcomer, newborn, newly married, newly appointed.
In Argentina and Chile, is used incorrectly as a synonym only and only in such expressions as only now I'm ready

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Immolation / Elect and chosen self-immolation

Immolate is to provide a life for the sake of a cause or divinity. Some religions include among their practices immolation. In the case of self-immolation , when using the verb, just give the pronominal form, without the prefix order: "A Buddhist monk immolated himself is ." Were the Vietnamese monks who put the word in vogue in the international press the 60 and 70, when sacrificed by fire to protest the American occupation. Probably because So now the word is used frequently (and incorrectly) to mean suicide by fire as in the following cable from UPI: "A woman doused his clothes with fire and blew himself because her husband would not let her watch TV" .

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Both words are the passive participle of the verb choice, however, have slightly different uses. Elect
used in the active form, as an adjective, while in the passive form be preferred chosen. Ex: They have chosen a guy as president, he is president-elect .
Verbs with double participles and choice, are:
kill (killed-dead),
bless (blessed, blessed),
frying (frying, deep-fried),
print (paper, printed).
Examples: They have corrupted is a corrupt man . They have killed
; is dead. Note that also killed passive participle of the verb die. Han
this blessed water is water blessed

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Seizing - seize - seize - seize Filmmaker-Cinéfilo

Some terms are related in meaning but have a good use differential and it is good to know not to fall into errors:
Confiscation is the appropriation by the state of a property whose owner committed a misdemeanor or felony. Confiscation
is the appropriation by the State of goods from the smuggling.
Expropriation is the appropriation by the state of property, for reasons of general interest and payment of compensation.
Seizure is the act of taking over authority, judicial generally, a well-defined, so temporary. Can also be used to refer generally to the appropriation of property by coercion or force.

Sunday, November 6, 2005

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A common mistake among us is using the term filmmaker to mean movie buff when that meaning is for cinephile. Filmmaker
is the person who makes films, specifically as a director, although it extends DRAE producer and actor, but never the amateur.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Babybottlepop Message In A Bottle 2009

Due to globalization or globalization, traditions inherited from the ancient Celtic festival are spreading so rapidly in the English-speaking countries might be worth worth taking a look at its source, rather than halloween is not a word in our language.
In ancient times, in Britain, Scotland and Ireland, celebrating the feast of Samhain 31 October, the last day of the year in the former Celtic and Anglo-Saxon calendars. On those occasions, huge bonfires were lit on top of the hills to ward off evil spirits and it was believed that the souls of the dead revisit their old homes, accompanied by witches and spirits. To prevent them doing harm to them, had to pay extortion or "vaccine" as we say in Colombia.
With the advent of Christianity, many pagan holidays were adapted and established the first of November as All Saints Day and October 31 became known in English " All Saints' eve (eve of All Saints Day) and also" all Hallows' eve "from which derived" halloween. " * Hallow * is the Old English word meaning 'holy' or 'sacred' and as the modern word * holy * comes from Germanic * khailag *. Many of the traditions of Halloween * * games became Kids that brought Irish immigrants in the nineteenth century the United States and from there have spread in recent decades by the Hispanic world. In Cartagena the day of Halloween is a festival for children called "Angelitos Day" and instead of witches disguise themselves as angels.

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This word comes from "date", the passive participle of the verb fazer , 'do' in Old English (and Portuguese today), or 'made' . Initially meant indication of time not only writing but also a place, since a letter was opened with something like 'date in Seville on June 22' or, as in the letter from Don Quixote to Dulcinea, 'date in the heart of the Sierra Morena, on August 27. "