Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Galkyd And Turpentine



dequeísmo is one of the most common grammatical mistakes today. But for fear of incurring she has created a worse one: the queísmo (or antidequeísmo.)

In the phrase "I am sure you will understand" not be disposed of preposition.

This is one case where it is proper use of "that" .

There is a simple formula to know when this happens, just as a question oppose the sentence that was going to say, and if the question requires of the phrase exhibition also should take.

Applying the formula in the example sentence "I'm sure you will understand" there are two ways to ask the question, using the "what" and another with the "that "

1.) "What sure?

2.) "does sure?

see that the first does not fit the question, while the second if there is natural to use the preposition "what" , then the explanatory phrase must be constructed with "that"

Look at another example:

"I think that not come

Applying the formula, we get

questions 1) "What think?

2) "does think?

is clear that the question "Which think?" does not fit, while the first "What think? if natural reading, then in that case should not be used to .

The same applies to the following phrases:

do "I realized? I realized that ...

do "I was happy? I was glad that ...

do "I am convinced? I am convinced that ...

"does have any idea? idea is that ...

"does I have a hunch? I have a hunch that ...

contrast with other verbs that are transitive, the question does not carry the of therefore not is said

"does think?

" I do?

" I do? But

"What think?

"What think?

"What said?

And the answers are:

"I that "and not" think that "

" I think that "and not" think that "

" I said that ", not" I said that "

But not always of preposition and conjunction that must be considered erroneous. On the contrary, we would not use them falling into a grave error. Some verbs require the use of the preposition of , so its absence or any other preposition also be considered an error, called queísmo :

* I'm glad that you could travel .

(must be said: I'm glad that you could travel).

* I remember that always played in school.

(must be said: I remember that always played at school).

* insisted that had to go back.

(must be said: He insisted that had to go back.)

* I hope that I can help transport.

(must be said: I hope that I can help in the transfer).

Finally, dequeísmo can also find substantive sentences that make the role of complement system where the preposition of comes to replace the governing verb itself:

* I trust that you are home .

(must be said: I hope that are at home).

* I noticed that was the same person.

(must be said: I noticed that was the same person.)

* insisted that will visit.

(must be said: He insisted that visit them).


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